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Hafsteinn Eyvar Jónsson - Creative Technology

Hafsteinn Eyvar will be graduating from Creative Technology with his film "The Depth of Wisdom"

Antoníus Freyr Antoníusson - Directing and Producing

Antoníus Freyr will be graduating from Directing and Producing with his film "Major men"

Aron Pétur Ólafsson - Screenwriting and Directing

Aron Pétur will be graduating from Screenwriting and Directing with his film "The last race"

Egill Andri Reynisson - Directing and Producing

Egill Andri will be graduating from Directing and Producing with his film "Gone"

Andri Freyr Gilbertsson - Screenwriting and Directing

Andri Freyr will be graduating from Screenwriting and Directing with his film "Hugfangi"

Dagur Ernir Steinarsson - Creative Technology

Dagur Ernir will be graduating from Creative Technology with his film "Forbidden fruit"

Ósk Óskarsdóttir - Acting

Ósk will be graduating from Acting with her show "Explaining the unexplained - Ex’s and Ósk"

Nikulás Árni Velegrinos - Directing and Producing 

Nikulás Árni will be graduating from Directing and Producing with his film "Tribulation"

Birta Ögn Elvarsdóttir - Creative Technology 

Birta will be graduating from Creative Technology with her film "The Date"

Arnheiður Diljá Benediktsdóttir - Directing and Producing

Diljá will be graduating from Acting with her film "Trust"

Þorgeir Sigurðsson - Directing and Producing

Þorgeir will be graduating from Directing and Producing with his film "Brotrip"

Birta Gunnarsdóttir - Acting

Birta will be graduating from Acting with her film "In the deep wake of death"

Jón Arnar Hauksson - Creative Technology

Jón Arnar will be graduating from Creative Technology with his film "Sacrilege"

Rakel Jóna Ásbjörnsdóttir - Acting

Rakel Jóna will be graduating from Acting with her film "When is it enough?"

Ólafur Þór Gunnarsson - Screenwriting and Directing

Ólafur Þór will be graduating from Screenwriting and Directing with his film "No matter what, I love you"

Guðni Grétar Einarsson - Acting

Guðni Grétar will be graduating from Acting with his film "Lights out"