Administration and Organization

Klukkuverk Kvikmyndaskólans nær utan um allar stoðir skólans sem tryggja stöðugt eftirlit gæða og að daglegur rekstur og kennsla uppfylli kröfur nemenda og þarfir kvikmyndaiðnaðarins. Klukkuverkið tryggir einnig sjálfstæði innri eininga skólans, sem og hans sjálfs. Hér að neðan er hægt að lesa um hvern og einn þátt klukkuverksins og kynna sér hlutverk hans í daglegri umsýslu.
The term university is used because of the application for accreditation at university level, which has been ongoing for the past three years. Although the school does not currently operate as an accredited university, all rules and administrative documents have been updated with the aim of the school becoming an accredited university after an evaluation process.
Short description: An outside selection committee evaluates the suitability of applicants for positions of assistant professors, associate professors and professors at IFS.
Dr. Lars Gunnar Lundsten, UA, chairman, main committee member
Dr. Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon, UI, main committee member
Gísli Snær Erlingsson, principal, London Film School, specialist
Dr. Elsa Eiríksdóttir, UI, committee vice-representative
Dr. Þóranna Jónsdóttir, RU, vice-representativeLonger description: The principal hires professors, associate professors, assistant professors once the committee has completed its qualification assessment. It is permissible to hire adjuncts without a qualification assessment. The rule does not pertain to the hiring of part-time teachers. A selection committee was established in accordance with the 18th article of the University Laws nr. 63/2006.
The following are the professional titles of academic staff members with a general description:
PROFESSOR: A leading artist in his or her field of expertise over a number of years and active in the academic community.
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: An acknowledged artist in his or her field of expertise and a professional discourse participant.
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: A party with a great knowledge in his or her expertise and a considerable exposure of his or her works.
ADJUNCT: A specialist in a professional field with extensive experience.The evaluation of the selection committee shall be based on:
a. University Laws nr. 63/2006 and other laws and regulations that may be applicable.
b. School regulations and criteria governing evaluations of suitability for academic positions which may apply.
c. A vacancy listing.
d. A job description.
e. Analytic work of the selection committee.
The selection committee can call for expert testimonies concerning specific
works by applicants or their work in general.
From the rules of procedure:
An outside selection committee evaluates the suitability of applicants for positions of assistant professors, associate professors and professors at IFS. Further information is to found in the special rules and administrative report.
Short description: Altogether there are twelve department heads leading the specialized school departments. They supervise and shape the specialized syllabus courses. Furthermore, they form a four member council of department heads when it comes to the supervision with and shaping of supplementary courses.
Members: D4: Rúnar Guðbrandsson, Þórey Sigþórsdóttir, Kolbrún Anna Björnsdóttir, D3: Hilmar Oddsson, Börkur Gunnarsson, Heiðar Sumarliðason, D2: Kjartan Kjartansson, Davíð Corno, Rob Tasker, Tómas Örn Tómasson, D1: Hilmar Oddsson, Hlín Jóhannesdóttir
Longer description: Heading every specialized discipline within a department is a department head. Two presiding over department 1, over directing and pro- duction. Four over department 2, over cinematography, over sound production, over editing and visual f/x. Three over department 3, over directing, over feature screenwriting and over genre screenwriting. Three over department 4, over acting, over acting and motion and over acting & voice. The same department head heads directing in departments 1 and 3 which are taught in tandem in 1st and 2nd semester. The department heads are altogether 12.
The role of department heads is to participate in the shaping of the program in specialized departments, the overall teaching organization, supervision and quality assessment, the coordination of the educational program with other department heads and school administrators. They are approachable for students in regard to the professional aspects of the study program. The department heads teach at least one course in a specialized department but never more than three. The principal hires the department heads. One department head from each department appoints a representative on the department head council.
From the rules of procedure:
Heading every specialized discipline within a department are department heads: Two presiding over department 1, over directing and production. Four over department 2, over cinematography, over sound production, over editing and visual f/x. Three over department 3, over directing, over feature screenwriting and over genre screenwriting. Three over department 4, over acting, over acting and motion and over acting & voice. The same department head heads directing in departments 1 and 3 which are taught in tandem in the 1st and 2nd semester. The department heads are altogether 11. The role of department heads is to participate in the shaping of the program in specialized departments, the overall teaching organization, supervision and quality assessment, coordination of the educational program with other department heads and school administrators. They are approachable for students in regard to the professional aspects of the study program. The department heads teach at least one course in a specialized department but never more than three. The principal hires the department heads in consultation with the director of studies. One department head from each department appoints a representative on the department head council (see description of department head council). The academic prerequisites are a university degree and extensive experience in a specialized field. In addition the department heads shall have teaching experience at the school before they are hired, at minimum three courses.
Short description: The department head council has special supervision with supplementary courses and works with the syllabus committee towards their development.
Members: One department head from each department.
Longer description: Supplementary courses are courses within a specialized department meant to enforce studies within specialized departments (main disciplines). There are 23 courses in question, divided among the departments. The supplementary courses represent around 10% of the overall curriculum but are very important as independent units supporting the overall course structure. But it is important to choose the correct course to render support. Therefore the status needs to be constantly reappraised.
Supplementary courses
D1: 8 courses, 16 units
D2: 5 courses, 12 units
D3: 5 courses, 12 units
D4: 5 courses, 11 units
From the rules of procedure:
The department head council is responsible for special supervision of supplementary courses and works with the syllabus committee towards their development. The department heads of each department agree on a department representative on the department head council. The council convenes once per annum in April and reviews the courses and data. The director of studies, who is also chairman of the syllabus committee, attends the meetings and reports on the status and results of supplementary subjects.
Short description: The role of the production council is chief supervision of all school film production in respect to technology and technological equipment and work processes. The production council is also involved in assisting with the festival film distribution and drawing up internship contracts with companies.
Members: Jón Camson, Hlín Jóhannesdóttir, Hrafnkell Stefánsson.
Longer description: The role of the production council is to make sure that the organization and framework of production are arranged in such a manner that the students have the best opportunity to attain a certain level of quality in their productions. The council is responsible for the drafting of the production plan which is available at the beginning of each semester. The council then makes sure that the plan is followed. The council consists of A program director, director of studies and head of technology, production and operations who serves as chairman.
The production council also shapes the support network for IFS graduates by promoting them and signing internship contracts with production companies. The council conducts constant brainstorming as how to improve services for IFS graduates and the professional sector.
The council shapes support processes for students when they submit their films to festivals.
From the rules of procedure:
The role of the production council is chief supervision of all school film production in respect to technology and technological equipment and work processes. The production council is also involved in assisting with festival film distribution and drawing up internship contracts with companies. The role of the production council is to make sure that the organization and framework of production are arranged in such a manner that the students have the best opportunity possible to attain a certain level of quality in their productions. The council is responsible for the drafting of the production plan which is available at the beginning of each semester. The council then makes sure that the plan is followed. The council consists of A program director, director of studies and head of technology, production and operations who serves as chairman.
Short description: The role of the council is to monitor academic progress among students, the teaching evaluations of teachers/instructors and course quality
Principal, chairman................................................ Börkur Gunnarsson
Director of studies................................................. Hrafnkell Stefánsson
Personnel and program director...................... Hlín Jóhannesdóttir
President of Core................................................... Oddný Sen
Quality director....................................................... Anna Þórhallsdóttir
Longer description: The progress council convenes once every month and re- views the monthly records and decides whether to react to some issues. Like- wise it should be noted when success has been attained. In January and June there are debriefings reviewing the newly completed semester. Minutes of the meetings are to be recorded. The progress council consists of the principal who also acts as chairman, personnel manager and A program director, director of studies, quality director and president of Core.
Further work flows: Individual projects in sections a, b and C (See below) are phases in the students’ study process used as a criteria to evaluate especially the position of those students. In case of mediocre results it must be evaluated whether a student needs special academic support or even whether the students should be directed to leave his or her studies. The following production projects represent a special benchmark with which to evaluate the success and progress of students.
a. One-minute film. Core 1st semester.
b. Core introductory film Core 2 2nd semester.
c. Individual project, film or production 3rd semester.
d. Graduation projects of the 4th semester.
If intervention into the student’s academic career is required it should be done with the involvement of the school council and school counselor.
From the rules of procedure:
The role of the council is to monitor academic progress among students, the teaching evaluations of teachers/instructors and course quality. The progress council convenes once every month and reviews the monthly records and decides whether to react to some developments. Likewise, it should be noted where success has been attained. In January and June there are debriefings reviewing the newly completed semester. Minutes of the meetings are to be recorded. The progress council consists of the principal who also acts as chairman, personnel manager and A program director, director of studies, quality director and president of Core.
Short description: The quality council monitors all school operations, controls internal rating, makes improvement suggestions and follows through on them.
Anna Þórhallsdóttir, chairman
Hrafnkell Stefánsson, IFS director of studies
Ólöf Ása Böðvarsdóttir, office manager
Jón Camson, technical, production and administrative director
Oddný Sen, president of Core
Elín Pálsdóttir, student representative 2nd-semester student.
Longer description: The role of the quality council is the formal monitoring of operational quality, data processing, drafting proposals and suggestions to the school council. The quality council consists of the quality director who also serves as chairman, the office manager, director of studies, president of Core, technical director and a student representative.
IFS quality work rests on three main foundations:
a) Criteria
b) Information gathering
c) Reform processes.School criteria
i) IFS trademark analysis
ii) Goals for the school set by head administration
iii) European ESG_2015 university administration criteria and Icelandic University Law nr. 63/2006.
iv) The best of what is taking place in universities across the globe.
v) IFS quality policy.
The school’s monitoring system
i) Registration and promotion work
ii) The hiring of teachers and human resources
iii) Technical equipment, housing, framework, internal functions
iv) School operations, information from committees and councils
v) Graduations
vi) Success of graduates
Reform processes
The quality council delivers a report to the school council in November of every year where suggestions and emphases are presented. The quality council is there to enhance next year’s quality of operations. The quality director is also a full- time staff member and follows through on agreed-upon reform measures.
From the rules of procedure:
The role of the quality council is the formal supervision of operation quality, data processing, the drafting of proposals, suggestions to the school council and following up on reforms. The quality council consists of the quality director who also serves as chairman, the office manager, director of studies, president of Core, the technical director and a student representative.
The IFS teaching and research quality goal is:
a) to ensure that university accreditation conditions are fulfilled.
b) to ensure that higher education and degree criteria are fulfilled.
c) to improve teaching and research in a purposeful manner.
d) to support enhancing IFS responsibility for its own operations.
e) to ensure international university competitiveness.
The IFS quality control system is defined in the IFS Quality Policy and Administration Report. These sources contain a definition of who has the role of implementing the quality policy, what key work processes are in place, how students and staff participation in the quality work is arranged. How a process of constant reform is implemented, how quality-improving systematic data gathering is administered and how reformed projects are administered.
The IFS quality system emphasizes a constant reform process where the internal functioning key process is reviewed on a regular basis and data gathered systematically to evaluate compliance with quality standards, internally. with regular quality reviews and internal ratings. The results are subsequently applied to establish reform projects which are placed in a prioritized reform plan to be processed by the pertinent party. IFS thus emphasizes a constant review process of internal functioning and monitors for that purpose processes which entail internal;
a) an annual review of the syllabus,
b) following up on school operations and its commitments to syllabus criteria,
c) analysis of academic performance, teachers' evaluation methods and grades distribution,
d) an analysis of students' evaluation of teaching, esp. In cases of exemption from the prerequisite matriculation degree,e) follow-up on carefully selected staff members, i.e. that staff is always hired on basis of strength, education, experience and professional success,
f) evaluation of working environment and the facilities provided for students and teachers,
g) a carefully orchestrated deployment system for teachers and instructors.
The principal is responsible for the professional implementation of the syllabus review, regular reviews of all facets of the school's quality system and conveying information to students, staff, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Industry, as the case may be.
The IFS is responsible for the traditional supervision of teaching and research quality on the basis of an internal rating which is conducted with regular intervals with active staff and student participation. The internal rating revolves around policy and goals, the content of the education program, the teaching, teaching methods, course assessments, research, research results, facilities, administration and external networking. The results of the internal rating are adopted for reform projects and published on the IFS homepage. Staff and students take an active part in IFS quality work according to the IFS quality control system, including the internal rating, participation on the quality council and work on the development of courses and and study lines. The school's quality system is in a constant state of development and reshaping. All school staff are informed of quality emphases and trained to be engaged in constant reform work in the spirit of IFS values.
Stutt lýsing: Hlutverk háskólaskrifstofu er fjórþætt:
a) Umsjón með gagnasöfnum sem verða til við starfsemi skólans (móttaka/ söfnun, skrásetning, varðveisla, aðgengi).
b. Reikningagerð vegna skólagjalda og eftirlit með innheimtu þeirra ásamt útgreiðslu reikninga og launa, og skilum á gögnum í bókhald.
c) Skráning námsárangurs og gerð prófskírteina. Uppfærsla og árleg keyrsla nemendaskrár. Úrvinnsla upplýsinga
d) Upplýsingagjöf og þjónusta.Meðlimir: Ólöf Ása Böðvarsdóttir (a-e), Bókhald & þjónusta (b), Deloitte (b), Anna Þórhallsdóttir (b,c), Hrafnkell Stefánsson (a. c, d), Jón Camson (a,d), Sigurður Traustason (a,d)
Lengri lýsing:
Hlutverk háskólaskrifstofu er að þjóna vörumerki skólans, gildum skólans, markmiðum skólans og gæðastefnu skólans.
Greining verkliða háskólaskrifstofu og gögn sem þarf að meðhöndla
a) Gagnasöfn.
i) Umsóknir, nemendaskráning, einkunnir
ii) Rekstargögn, samskipti, samningar, ferlagögn
iii) Rekstargögn, fjárhagsbókhald, tekjur/kostnaður
iv) Kvikmyndir nemenda.
b) Reikningar, bókhald
i) Útsendir reikningar
ii) Mótteknir reikningar og fylgigögn
iii) Undirbúningur gagna og sending þeirra til bókhalds samskipti við bókhald og endurskoðun
iv) Úrvinnsla talnaupplýsinga
c) Inntaka - Námsárangur - Útskriftir.
i) Umsóknargögn; útsending, móttaka
ii) Einkunnir, umsagnir, kennsluáætlanir, kennslugögn
iii) Staðfest einkunnaspjöld og viðurkenningar
iv) Uppfærsla og eftirlit nemendaskrár
v) Söfnun upplýsinga, innra eftirlit og mat, samnings og lögbundin skil
d) Útgáfa, - innri vefur, misserisútgáfur, - annað
i) Árlegt skóladagatal
ii) Misserisstundarskrá
iii) Upplýsingagjöf á innri vef
iv) Auglýsingaútgáfa
v) Tilfallandi skipulagðar útgáfur
e) Upplýsingagjöf og skil
i) Skipulögð söfnun gagna og upplýsinga.
ii) Samningsbundin og lögbundin skil á efni og upplýsingum sem verða til í skólastarfinu
iii) Þjónusta við háskólasamfélagið, nemendur, samstarfsfólk og fyrirtæki.
iv) Sértæk upplýsingasöfnun: Framhaldsnám að loknu námi í KVÍ/IFS
Úr reglum skólans:
Hlutverk háskólaskrifstofu er fjórþætt;
a) Umsjón með gagnasöfnum sem verða til við starfsemi skólans (móttaka/ söfnun, skrásetning, varðveisla, aðgengi).
b. Reikningagerð vegna skólagjalda og eftirlit með innheimtu þeirra ásamt útgreiðslu reikninga og launa, og skilum á gögnum í bókhald.
c) Skráning námsárangurs og gerð prófskírteina. Uppfærsla og árleg keyrsla nemendaskrár ásamt vinnslu upplýsinga
d) Upplýsingagjöf og þjónusta.
Yfirmaður háskólaskrifstofu nefnist skrifstofustjóri. Hann skal hafa mikla reynslu í skipulagi og stjórnun skrifstofuhalds.
Short description: The syllabus committee is responsible for the design and annual updating of the syllabus for all school departments and Core. There are 5 representatives and regular bi-annual meetings. The syllabus is published 1. July every year.
Director of studies, chairman...........................Hrafnkell Stefánsson
President of core....................................................Oddný Sen
Representative of Core director.......................Hlín Jóhannesdóttir
Student representative........................................Birta Káradóttir
Quality director.......................................................Anna Þórhallsdóttir
Longer description: The director of studies is chairman of the syllabus committee. In addition to the chairman, the president of Core is a committee member, a representative of the program director is appointed at the program director meeting, quality director and a students representative appointed by Kínema. The program director and student representatives are appointed for a year and their appointment shall take place no later than September 10th every year. The school council directs the implementation of appointments to the committee in collaboration with the chairman and supervises its work.
The syllabus committee is responsible for syllabus updates. The committee shall call formally for suggestions about syllabus improvement from the following parties: The student association board of directors, the program director board, school administrators and the university council. The parties in question are not obliged to make improvement suggestions unless they deem it necessary to do so. Furthermore, committee members shall solicit and gather on an informal basis all suggestions, e.g. from teachers/instructors, students and others involved in school operations. The director of studies shall retain all improvement suggestions conveyed to the committee and he or she presents the suggestions at syllabus committee meetings.
In the syllabus it shall be stated how the curriculum is organized, the sequence of courses according to semester and course descriptions The course description shall contain the name and mark of the course, a description of course content in addition to competencies. Emphasis shall be placed on the course description being exact and that there is a correspondence between the description and the actual teaching that takes place. The syllabus which is valid when the student commences his or her studies at the school is in force throughout the student’s academic career, in spite of changes made during the period of study. If there are any deviations from that rule, e.g. in the event of major changes being implemented, such as courses being dropped or courses being merged, this shall be done in consultation with students. The students representative on the syllabus committee plays a key part in that respect.
The syllabus shall be updated annually and the date of publication shall be on the first working day in July. The syllabus committee convenes biannually, at the be- ginning of January and and the beginning of June. A new syllabus shall be published electronically on the school’s homepage but there shall also be printed 10 copies for school staff members that need to work extensively with the syllabus.
The study program is composed of four basic factors: Core, special departments, supplementary disciplines and production.
This framework is rigid; it is not within the syllabus committee’s power to alter it. Improvement suggestions and alterations shall therefore be limited to the scope of the framework. The criterion is that annual updates result in 5 to 7% changes to the syllabus. Every five years, i.e. every decade and half a decade, (next in 2025) a thorough review which may call for further changes shall be conducted.
Major changes to the teaching framework shall be made by the school’s board of directors in collaboration with the country’s educational authorities.
Further work flows: On reviewing the school syllabus the following codes of practice and criteria shall be observed. The syllabus shall be evaluated on the basis of:
a. the general purpose of a university education.
b. the main results of last semester’s teaching evaluation.
c. comments, suggestions and observations about improvements.
d. the results of all surveys, internal as well as external, of the quality and results of school operations.
I. The participation of graduates in a specialized work market or in graduate studies.
This shall be based on recent surveys on graduate activities. It shall be evaluated whether and where the syllabus can be strengthened to in- crease or calibrate graduate activity following graduation.
II. The personal individual and artistic development of students (the hidden syllabus). Here the conclusions of the art council about the quality and depth of thesis projects shall serve as the main criterion.
III. An active university community (the hidden syllabus).
Here all activity shall be evaluated outside of the traditional curriculum; Kínema activity, meetings, presentations, collaborative projects, festivals, etc.
IV. The part of research and the making of teaching materials in establishing a deep, wide and new knowledge base.
Here it shall be evaluated how strong a connection there is between the school’s research work during study or teaching.
The syllabus committee shall make every effort to strengthen that connection in an annual review of the syllabus.
The results from teaching surveys are evaluated.
Here all deviations are to be considered especially where courses receive a low score. Furthermore internal rating results shall be subject to further inspection where applicable.
All available observations shall be organized and a discussion shall
be conducted about whether to implement syllabus changes and what changes should be implemented as a reaction to said observations.
The quality director and the committee chairman are responsible for text processing because of syllabus changes. The quality director writes a short report about committee work to be published in the annual report In the foreword to a new syllabus all changes implemented since the previous publication shall be mentioned.
The original copy of the syllabus shall be preserved in word-processing format in a closed university office web-area. Only the quality director and director of studies (the committee chairman) are authorized to insert changes agreed by the syllabus committee. Each party shall confirm the other’s amendments.
The chairman, in collaboration with the quality director, supervises the new con- figuration of the syllabus and makes sure that all amendments are implemented in the right spots, i.e. on the homepage, the syllabus, etc.
The syllabus is closely linked to all school operations. All goals set by the school need to be based on the clear framework of the syllabus. The board of directors and school council, policy-making in trademark work, all quality rating, both internal and external, research results and whatever takes place in school operations can impact syllabus emphases. Committee members therefore need to be closely in touch with school operations and school policy.
From the rules of procedure:
The syllabus committee is responsible for the design and annual updating of the syllabus for all school departments and Core. There are 5 representatives and regular bi-annual meetings. The syllabus is published 1st of July every year. The director of studies is chairman of the syllabus committee. In addition to the president of Core, a representative of the program director appointed at the program directors meeting, the quality director and a student representative appointed by Kínema serve on the committee. The program director and student representatives are appointed for a year at a time and their appointment shall take place no later than September 10th every year. The school council directs the implementation of appointments to the committee in collaboration with the chairman and supervises its work.
Short description: The role of the art council is policy making, co-ordination and supervision of all of the school’s production projects in addition to being a sponsor and supporter concerning artistic emphases.
Members: The principal directs the artistic council for production at the school and also serves as council chairman. Other council members are director of studies and personnel and the program director who records minutes at council meetings. Börkur Gunnarsson, Hrafnkell Stefánsson, Hlín Jóhannesdóttir.
Longer description: The art council convenes with teachers who direct production at the school and review teaching emphases, inter. al. based on production from prior semesters.
a. The art council convenes with teachers because of projects other than thesis films at the beginning of each semester and then hands in a short evaluation of production over the semester.
b. The council convenes with teachers to discuss thesis films twice each semester and to review the content and process of projects. The council hands in a short report and evaluation of the quality of thesis films.
The council can call for a review of a project in production. It should be noted that the council offers guiding consultation but does not have any authority over the content of projects as such.
Council meetings need to be systematically informative; the number and pro- duction stage of projects, content and the teacher’s expectations. Furthermore, at council meetings a general discussion about the projects takes place as well as discussions about how the quality of the projects can be improved. The art council shall use these meetings to get acquainted with the instructors, his or her teaching methods and personal point of view.
From the rules of procedure:
The role of the art council is policy making, co-ordination and supervision of all of the school's production projects in addition to acting as a sponsor and supporter concerning artistic emphases. The principal directs the artistic council for production at the school and also serves as council chairman. Other council members are director of studies and a program director. The art council convenes with teachers who direct production at the school and reviews teaching emphases, inter. al. based on production from prior semesters.
a. The art council convenes with teachers because of projects other than thesis films at the beginning of each semester and then hands in a short production evaluation after the semester.b. The council convenes with teachers to discuss thesis films twice each semester and to review the content and progress of projects. The council hands in a short report and evaluation of the quality of thesis films.
Short description: School communications are intended to play an important pedagogic role in school operations.
Members: Social media organization and work is in the hands of Erna Lilliendahl (FB, Twitter, homepage news) and Neil John Smith (Instagram, graduation pamphlet). There are various news reports activities, internal in temporary hiring of reporters.
Longer description: Emphasis is placed on allowing the media to serve school operations but not vice-versa. Emphasis is placed on attaining a firm grasp of the media and adapting to the dictates of the new media as they appear. As a film school with expert knowledge of visual media and visual language the school must demand of itself that it “play along” with the media boom that is taking place in the world. IFS offers a classical European film and acting program with rather scant emphasis on the new media in the program itself. On the other hand the classical fundamental filmmaking knowledge of the school’s human resources wing is reflected in a secure and progressive grasp of the new media. The school’s communication aspirations represent a challenge to academia to take part in and being in the vanguard of new media at any given time on the strength of its classical knowledge.
IFS communication work is therefore one of the school’s hallmarks and supposed to be a linchpin of the operation. The goal is to reflect the academic confidence of a progressive university institution.
An example of this progressive nature is IFS_news on Twitter which has brought over 13,000 filmmaking global newsflashes over the last six years. Publications are decided on beforehand in a certain proportion to both continents and categories and all newsflashes are recorded and cataloged in a monthly report.“The function is the media” is one of the school’s slogans, i.e. what happens in the media happens at the school. Quality communication has an impact on the making of quality school operations.
IFS communications are divided into five main parts:
a. Internet communications
b. Film clip communications
c. TV channel communications
d. Print communications
e. Unconventional communications
Short description:
Academic support is divided into five basic factors:
a) Student counseling and personal support interviews.
b) Access and facilities issues.
c) Free artistic and academic research work.
d) Educational or professional sup- port for graduates.
e) General support from overall staff with consultation and support.
Members: School counselor, director of operations, reception director, director of studies, A program director, office manager of university office. The school council is the responsible party vis-à-vis academic support.
Longer description:
Basic academic support factors:
a. Students have daily access to a school counselor and a support representative, to discuss both academic and personal issues. The school counselor also monitors student attendance and takes the initiative if support is called for. - Personal support
b. Emphasis is placed on students having good access to the school on an extracurricular basis to pursue their studies and work on school projects. - Facilities and access support.
c. The school takes the initiative, albeit in collaboration with students, and facilitates the independent operations of art groups or clubs which afford students the opportunity to get to know each other and be around each other outside of the confines of the formal schedule or syllabus whether learning or involved in some creative endeavor. This can entail choir practice, screenwriting workshops, film clubs. - Special social support.
d. The university office supplies information about studies abroad. There is all kinds of ongoing work in terms of presenting graduates. Actors are introduced on the website which is operated by the school and introduces actors from the acting department (D4). Under preparation is a website for other departments (D1-3) The program called Bridge to the Biz has been in operation but the program offers internships on completion of studies. - Future support
e. Helpfulness, goodwill and a willingness to counsel are the core of all the staff’s attitude towards the students. - Association support.
Further work flows
a The school counselor and his or her services are well presented to freshmen and generally in introductory pamphlets. Ready access to the school counselor must be ensured.
b Access cards to the school are handed out at the beginning of each semester. The director of operations is responsible for student access issues.
c The director of studies in collaboration with Kínema organizes “club” activities. The goal is that activities commence a month into the new semester.
d The university office implements promotion work involving continuing studies. Department heads, director of studies, director of operation and reception director are all involved in supporting graduates with employment issues.
e Being service-minded and caring towards students is part and parcel of the introductory process for all staff.
From the rules of procedure:
Educational support is divided into the following entities:
a) School counseling and personal support interviews.
b) Accessibility issues and educational facilities.
c) Free arts, academic and research work.
d) Support for alumni because of studies or employment.
e) General support of all staff members in the form of consultation and support.
The school counselor shall have a university degree in the field of pedagogy and counseling experience. The reception manager is responsible for all general services for students, teachers and staff.
Short description: Kínema is the name of the student association of all IFS students. The association looks after students’ interests and organizes a number of events every semester:
Ísold Vala Þorsteinsdóttir
3rd semester Acting. ChairmanVíðar Ólafsson
3rd semester Acting.Rakel Jóna Ásbjörnsdóttir
3rd semester ActingMichelle Pröstler
2nd semester Screenwriting and Directing. IFS representativeHelena Ýr Helgadóttir
3rd semester Creative TechnologyAri Róbertsson
3rd semester Screenwriting and Directing. Writer's RoomÓlafur Gunnarsson
3rd semester Screenwriting and Directing. Writer's Room
Longer description: The association’s goal is to strengthen student social activities and social ties among students, whether during school hours or on an extracurricular basis. On the KÍNEMA board are students who run for board membership at every time and board members work towards enforcing the flow of projects and ideas among students. School life is varied, fun, a lot of intra- departmental collaboration and student social activities strengthen factors that are necessary for students when they head out to join the workforce.
From the rules of procedure:
The IFS student association is named Kínema. Its board is appointed according to rules written by the students themselves. The Kínema board is an important liaison between students and school administration. Kínema appoints a student representative to the University Council, the syllabus committee, examinations committee and the school's quality council. The Kínema board is to convene with the school council at least once per semester where school operations are reviewed.
Short description: The examination committee is responsible for school qualification assessments being of a standard quality from one year to the next and that course assessment is just, professional and instructive.
Committee members:
Director of studies, chairman............................ Hrafnkell Stefánsson
Personnel and program director...................... Hlín Jóhannesdóttir
Student representative........................................ Elín Björg Eyjólfsdóttir
Quality director....................................................... Anna Þórhallsdóttir
Longer description: The examinations committee consists of the director of studies who also serves as chairman, the office manager of the university office, a student representative and the quality director who also records meeting minutes. The examination committee convenes formally every semester but also more frequently if needed.
The role of the examination committee is to supervise everything in relation to course assessment within the school. The basis of this work shall be data presented in teaching materials and other information pertaining to grades, evaluation and testimonies. Comments shall be forward to the school council which decides on the proper reaction.
The examination committee shall especially evaluate and re-evaluate how the qualification assessment of student thesis projects is conducted so that the student, the school and the project itself are best served. The examination committee shall hand in a memorandum to the syllabus committee which is to be available at the beginning of January.From the rules of procedure:
The examinations committee is responsible for school qualification assessments being of a standard quality from one year to the next and that course assessments being just, professional and instructive. The examinations committee consists of the director of studies who also serves as chairman, the office manager of the university office, a student representative and the quality director who also records meeting minutes. The examination committee convenes formally every semester but also more frequently if needed.
Short description: The role of the council is to counsel academic staff members with their research work as well as advising and supervising the operation of the school’s research center. The council issues an annual evaluation of research work results and hands in a short report to the board of directors.
Members: The research council is composed of Dr. Sigurjón B. Hafsteinsson who also serves as chairman, Dr. Margrét E. Ólafsdóttir, Dr. Ari Allansson and Anna Þórhallsdóttir, a school representative and the council secretary.
Longer description: The research council operates in accordance with the school’s general research operational policies wherein it is stated: The school advocates that research and artistic criteria keep pace with the times and future developments in filmmaking. The school is eager that research results, including records and research conclusions be made accessible to all with the aid of information technology. The school encourages professional and research collaboration between academic staff members, both locally and abroad. The school makes every effort so that academic staff members can flourish working on artistic projects and conducting research and encourages staff members to collaborate.From the rules of procedure:
There is an active research council at the university. The role of the research council is organization, consultation and proposals in relation to research work at the Icelandic Film School. The council consists of three members with PdDs related to the visual media. The fourth representative is from the school and is responsible for the registration of information. The council's purview is twofold. On the one hand it offers consultation to academic staff members for their research work and on the other it offers consultation and supervision of the school's lab operations. Further information concerning the scope of activities of the research council and the lab is to be found in the special rules. The film school respects the academic independence of its staff members. Academic independence entails their right to write about their field of teaching and research in the manner they deem sensible and in accordance with academic criteria. Academic independence does not diminish staff responsibility to abide by the school's general rules of procedure and code of ethics. The research and teaching subjects of the universities academic departments shall remain independent from the intervention of those who own the school or contribute funds to it.
Short description: The involvement of formal partner universities in the Core syllabus.
Members: School council, president of Core, representatives of partner schools.
Longer description: The Core is the small IFS “diploma” unit or 30 credits and is a very valuable and well-designed department. Contracts with the University of Iceland Cinema Studies department assume a certain number of students pursuing full-time studies in the Cinema Studies department had the option of attending IFS Core courses. A comparable flow could have been achieved in collaboration with The Iceland University of the Arts if a relationship of mutual acknowledgement could be established.
From the rules of procedure:
IFS makes every effort to maintain close relations with all academic levels within the Icelandic educational system. The school has collaborated closely with all educational levels, from nursery schools up to university level. The IFS goal is to encourage film studies at as many levels as possible within the Icelandic school system. IFS is a member of CILECT – The International Association of Film and Television Schools – and takes part in international activities, student and teacher exchange programs, educational conferences, film festivals, among other things.
Short description: The school’s head administration, as mandated by the board of directors, is in the hands of the school council which is responsible for all facets of school operations being of the highest quality. The school council consists of the principal, a program director/personnel director and the quality/financial director.
Principal, chairman.................................................Börkur GunnarssonPersonnel and program director.......................Hlín Jóhannesdóttir
Quality director........................................................Anna Þórhallsdóttir
Longer description: IFS management is to operate according to regular and foreseeable processes. In a rapidly growing, vibrant school of the arts, with 107 courses taught every semester and over 100 titles produced, many cases arise which need to be resolved quickly and professionally. But at the same time quality must be ensured in the delivery of the study program and all school operations.
The IFS administrative scope extends over the following operational facets:
1. Contracts, laws and regulations to which IFS is a signatory.
2. That all students, staff, and IFS partners are fully served on a daily basis without fail.
3. Staff organization and administration. Hiring of teachers and instructors.
4. Organization and administration of councils and committees (with the exception of the research council which falls directly under the board of directors for the time being.
5. Sales and promotion.
The most important aspect of the school council’s responsibilities is day-to-day services. It is necessary for those in close communications with students and other staff to have a boss who can provide information and receive cases in need of a special resolution.
School council members are accessible during fixed hours five days a week and make decisions individually in their field of responsibility. This applies mainly to cases where the rules are clear but whose implementation entails potential difficulties. Theyhaveequivalentauthorityvis-a-viscases,i.e.eachandeveryoneofthemisauthorizedtomakestatements,issuesanswersanddecrees,informallyandfor-mally,astheschool’shighestauthority.Thisisdonetoexpeditedecision-makingwhichisoftennecessary.
School council meetings are held on a weekly basis.
The school council is also responsible for all systematic publications on behalf of the school: An annual school calendar, an annual ministerial report, an annual syllabus, graduation pamphlets, a yearly review of all boards, councils and committees, and media.
The principal is the official guarantor of administration and operations and must be informed of whatever unexpected occurrences that arise in school operations.
In case of a dispute with the school council, the principal can form a majority with either one of the other council members and that decision stands. If the two fellow council members form a majority against the principal ,the case shall be referred to the board of directors.
From the rules of procedure:
The administration of the film school with a mandate from the board of directors is in the hands of the school council on a daily basis and the school council is responsible for all facets of the operation being of the highest quality possible. The schools council consists of the principal, the A program director/personnel director and the quality/financial director.
The IFS administrative scope extends over the following operational facets:
1. Contracts, laws and regulations to which IFS is signatory.
2. Daily services and the processing of cases.
3. Staff organization and administration. The hiring of teachers and instructors.
4. The organization, administration and assistance of councils and committees.
5. Quality control.
6. Administrative affairs.
7. Publications.
8. Sales and promotion.
The school council convenes on a weekly basis. See further information about the school council in the report on administrative units.
Short description: An abstract broader term for what IFS is really engaged in with its operations as a university of the arts. Once a year there is a week of art under the heading Perception: What we do, who we are, where students and staff organize creative activities.
Members: The school council is responsible for organizing the art week in collaboration with Kínema.
Longer description: The independent involvement of “perception” in the university community is based on an organization chart that first appeared in an internal rating report in 2016 on the student’s process through the school.
Here an attempt is made to capture the real phenomenon on which school operations are based.
Short description: The whole operational framework of the school, housing, technical equipment and all filmmaking production processes are the responsibility of this department. This department is also engaged in employment issues, promotion and the organization of various events. The department also super- vises the school’s curatorial work in collaboration with the university office.
Members: Jón Camson heads the department alongside two technicians. In housing affairs he collaborates with The Wheels of Industry, Örn Pálmason and Kolfinna Von Arnardóttir. And with A department director Hlín Jóhannesdóttir and Hrafnkell Stefánsson because of production (Production council)
Longer description:
Housing, co-operation/out-sourcing, The Wheels of Industry
i) Organization - planning - purchases - supervision
ii) Monitoring and control of student flow (classroom organization-schedule-syllabus)
iii) Supervision with constant updating of teaching facilities.
iv) Security and maintenance issues.
Technology. Many partners
i) Organization - planning
ii) Equipment rental, post-production organization and services to students because of all filmmaking at the school up to premiere and then preservation (Production plan, weeks of screening, preservation policy).
Employment agency, sales, collaboration with production department, employee training and promotion.
The technical, production and housing department is both a centralized and all-encompassing department with an especially close connection to students, but also to instructors and other school staff members. It is therefore normal to link it to subsidiary services such as participation in sales and graduate services because of internship contracts.
Presentations and events:
The department is the heart of the organization with the only mobile staff members. i.e. not stuck inside classrooms or offices. It is therefore the role of the departments to assume responsibility for various ideas occurring in the process of school operations.
IFS Film Museum
TPH supervises the technical aspect of the museum but operates in collaboration with the university office.
The goal of the collection process is that all film projects completed and delivered in order to complete a course be registered and preserved. Altogether the projects/titles are around 400 per annum in today’s school operations. But they will be 1,000 when the school is operating at full capacity with a foreign department.The following main rules apply about IFS film museum activities
a. The main role of the museum is to serve school operations.
b. It is in its design a closed museum and the main rule is that it is at the student’s discretion whether a project is available for general screenings or not.
c. The museum is meant to be a living part of school operations, meaning that selected projects are used to introduce courses, as teaching aids. The students can also use it as a learning and to discover criteria.
d. Course name, production name. Department, semester, running time, project title, author - is supposed to be the heading of a project. Example: LST221G - Dramatic short - D1 2 h’21 TITLE. Name of creator and then every feature can be searched for.
From the rules of procedure:
The whole framework of the school operations, housing facilities, technical equipment and production processes of all filmmaking within the school are the responsibility of this department. The department is also involved in employment affairs, promotional work and various event organization. The department also supervises the school's curatorial activities in consultation with the university office. The head of the department is titled technical, administerial and production director. The academic prerequisites are a technical education in the field of filmmaking and extensive professional experience. The role of the technical, administerial and production director is the supervision of and responsibility for all technical equipment for production teaching and the operation of an equipment rental house. The director is also responsible for the making of production plans alongside the drawing up of schedules and directs the production council. The technical, administerial and production director supervises technical innovations and makes purchase suggestions in consultation with the principal and the school council. The director supervises the teaching facilities and teaching equipment. At the department there are currently 2 to 6 technicians working under the direction of the technical, administerial and production director.
Short description: The role of the IFS statistical advisory council is to advise administrators, councils and committees concerning numbers and the processing of statistical information in school operations.
Members: Two outside representatives serve on the statistical advisory council, statisticians, mathematicians or administrators who are very used to working with numbers.
Longer description: The statistical advisory council is not yet fully appointed. Projects and work processes will be shaped by council members. Further on premises: IFS operations revolve around an exact confirmation of certain abilities of students on graduation. The operation also revolves around various forms of measurable activities, e.g. research and communication. Universities are in their very nature a varied measuring system. Likewise even though the university is dedicated to the arts. It is a direct IFS policy to use and analyze numbers as much as possible in the process of operations. The school has for example always awarded grades in whole and half numbers (along with testimonies) for decades in spite of fashion trends in the awarding of grades.
From the rules of procedure:
The role of the IFS statistical advisory council is to advise administrators, councils and committees on numbers and the processing of statistical information in school operations. Two outside representatives serve on the statistical advisory council, statisticians, mathematicians or administrators who are very used to working with numbers. They are to be appointed by the board of directors for three years at a time.
Short description: A special decree committee is active at the school. The committee is entrusted with the highest decision-making authority within the school in disciplinary cases and cases pertaining to students’ rights.
Members: Members on the decree committee, in addition to the principal who chairs the committee, are the A program director/personnel director and the quality/financial director, their vice-representatives are president of Core and one department head, two teachers’ representatives and two student representatives. The teachers’ and student representatives shall be appointed for a year at a time and their vice-representatives shall be appointed for the same amount of time. The teachers’ representatives shall be elected at a teachers’ meeting in the fall. The student association board appoints the student representatives.
Longer description: In cases where the decree committee does become involved the students shall have the right to contest its decisions in accordance with sound administration practices. If the student does not accept the conclusions of the decree committee, the student can appeal to the school’s board of directors. If the student does not accept the conclusion of the school’s board of directors, the student can appeal to the appeals committee at the Ministry of Education.
From the rules of procedure:
A special decree committee is entrusted with the highest decision-making authority within the school in disciplinary cases and cases pertaining to students' rights. Committee appointments are made as a reaction to cases which may arise. The school council reaches a decision as to the activation of the decree committee at a given time but it shall always be done in major cases which concern students, e.g. if a student is to be expelled from the school because of disciplinary violations. The decree committee consists of three school council representatives, two administrative representatives and teachers appointed at a staff meeting in addition to two student representatives appointed by the board of Kínema. Every attempt shall be made to arrange teacher and student appointments in such a fashion that the parties in question are as neutral as possible in the matters at hand.
Students have the right to contest its decisions in accordance with sound administration practices. If a student does not accept the conclusions of the decree committee, the student can appeal to the school's board of directors. If the student does not accept the conclusion of the school's board of directors, the student can appeal to the appeals committee at the Ministry of Education.