Students from all departments remade scenes from films this week
First semester students in Directing/Producing sat a course in the making of music videos under the direction of Erlendur Sveinsson (Kanari), have finished shooting and will complete their videos by the middle of next week. Third semester students sat a course with other third semester students in the school in remaking a scene, where they will learn story boarding and remake a scene from a film. Guiding them were Agusta Margret Johannsdottir (Useless), storyboard master Sigurdur Valur and the director Vidar Vikingsson (Draugasaga).
First semester students of Creative Technology did their first course in cinematography under the guidance of Stefan Loftsson (Brotid) and Tomas Orn Tomasson (Arctic, Lazy Town). Students in their second semester began a course in sound editing with Kjartan Kjartansson (Sodoma Reykjavik). Third semester did a course in remaking a scene with other third semester students.
In Screen writing/Directing, first semester students finished a course in the basic rules of script writing under the direction of Otto Geir Borg (I remember you, Astropia), that then began a course with them in script writing for television. Third semester students did a course in remaking a scene with other third semester students in the school. Fourth semester students sat a course in producing where they will, among other projects, finish preparing their graduation film under the guiding hand of Hlin Johannesdottir (Svanurinn, Bokeh) and continued the progress of their film in a course in directing with Gunnar B. Gudmundsson (Astropia, Gauragangur).
Acting first year students completed a course in voice technique with Thorey Sigthorsdottir (Agnes, Kaldaljos) with an impressive show, sat a course in acting technique with Runar Gudbrandsson (Svartur a leik, XL) and began a course in vocal technique and singing with Thorey Erna Clausen (Loi). Second semester students began a course in acting technique and interpretation with Runar Gudbrandsson (Svartur a leik, XL) as well as a continuing course in voice technique with Thorey Sigthorsdottir (Agnes, Kaldaljos). They also finished their short films, showing their personal style, with a premiere. Guiding them were Agusta Margret Johannsdottir (Useless) and Linda Stefansdottir (The Fifth Estate). Third semester joined others in a course in remaking a scene, as well as finishing a course in acting history with Runar Gudbrandsson (Svartur a leik, XL).
Kinema, the schools student company offered a Script Workshop and a Karaoke night on Tuesday and then a Games Night on Thursday.
The week ended, as is tradition, with the whole school getting together at Bio Paradis for their lesson in film history.