Kunjika Yadav - Creative Technology
Kunjika will graduate from Creative Technology with her film "Sambandh/Samband"
Sambandh is a word in both hindi and sanskrit for connection/relation/bond/contact. Much like in Icelandic just with a H. The film is about a girl who was abandoned by her mother when she was a child and the journey she takes to overcome it when her mother passes away. It should be noted that the word sambandh is a word from Hindi and Sanskrit, which actually means the same as the Icelandic word samband.
What is the first movie experience you remember?
Titanic in 1999. I must have been 3 years old then. Went back home feeling very depressed and poor. After that, I stuck to watching only relatable Bollywood action films for the next 10 years.
What fascinates you about filmmaking?
That it takes a village to make a film.
Why did you choose your department?
I have always enjoyed working with cameras and computers. Something creative that I am confident in doing.
Did anything particularly surprise you in the study?
The teachers are very approachable, and the school puts more emphasis on practical hands-on experience than theoretical. Good for me because the last time I wrote an exam paper was 6 years ago.
And what does the future look like?
I plan to start working in the industry, and hope everything goes well.