Hlín Jóhannesdóttir about Bokeh coming out soon

Hlín Jóhannesdóttir, Head of Directing/Producing is co-producing with Birgitta Björnsdóttir through their company Vintage Pictures the American film Bokeh.

The film is expected to premiere end of December or at the beginning of next year. A few students from The Icelandic Film School were asked to take part in the production of Bokeh, a.o. Arnar Benjamín Kristjánsson as location manager.

“We started shooting Bokeh in June 2014. This is the first film of partnering team of directors , Geoffrey Orthwein and Andrew Sullivan. We also have the excellent Maika Monroe and Matt O´Leary playing to leading roles. Both of them have been working on promising projects in their home-country and ne can expect a lot from these talents in the future,”

Says Hlin, describing the film as a science fiction.

“The story is about a young couple travelling in Iceland. Suddenly it seems they are the only people around; in the whole country – even the whole world for that. The story shows how they come to terms with their lives alone, the uncertainty in an environment they barely know.”

After working on the film Land Ho with American producers Vintage Pictures was recommended to the producers planning to shoot Bokeh in Iceland.

“It has been the most pleasant film to work on and it is fair to say we can be grateful for our good solid team working on the set. We´ve had positive response with those working with us, an all Icelandic team . Most of them are IFS graduates to tell the truth.”

“In that way we have always tried to profit from our liaisons to IFS and kept our eyes on those seeking for experience. One of our best contacts is Arnar Benjamín Kristjánsson who graduated from Directing/producing in 2012. With his friends he has founded the firm Fenrir Films.”

We will be following the opening of Bokeh and report to you in due time.