Graduation Spring 2022 - Katla Gunnlaugsdóttir, Screenwriting and Directing

Katla will be graduating on June 4th from Screenwriting and Directing  with her film “People who burn”

The film is about two young women who fight against the system after not winning a lottery that saves people to Mars before a meteorite hits the Earth

What is your first memory related to films?

I was raised from birth with such film enthusiasts, so it's hard to say. I remember doing it in my pants when the green eyes of Maleficent appeared in the fireplace in the Disney movie about Sleeping Beauty (not literally). I watched “Step Brothers” and “Talladega Nights” ridiculously often on DVD as a kid. I saw “A Clockwork Orange” when I was 11 and got it fixed in my brain. It's still one of my favorite pictures because it's effective in so many ways

What fascinates you about film making?

Being able to mix all art forms together in one soup with other creative people is amazing. A film is perhaps like a four-dimensional photograph. All that is needed is a sense of smell and then that is it

Why did you choose Screenwriting and Directing?

I've been writing down scene ideas and stories since I was a kid. I have an overactive imagination. I thought the screenwriting  and directing department was best for me because of that. And I was right

Anything that surprised you? 

This did not come as a surprise to me, but my acquaintance with other students far exceeded expectations. I'm grateful to have made good friends who will most likely become colleagues in the future. I have also learned countless things from my classmates

And what does the future look like?

I aim to make more than one short film with people I have met in my studies and later make full-length films, perhaps television material, who knows. I also aim to work freelance in the film industry with various things, but I prefer lighting because that is where my field of interest lies