“Angel” is our next short film
The short film “Angel” was the graduation project of Haraldur Sigurjónsson that graduated from Screen writing and Directing fall semester 2010.
We got to talk to Haraldur and in his words:
I graduated from Screen writing and Directing in December 2010. By then I had already worked in the making of television shows and documentaries since 1997, or more than a decade. In January 2008 I decided to make a life long dream come true, to study screen writing. One of the very best decisions I have made in my life. At The Icelandic Film School I got to both listen to and converse with people such as Einar Kárason, Huldar Breiðfjörð, Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson, Friðrik Þór Friðriksson, Guðný Halldórsdóttir, Böðvar Bjarki, Árni Ólaf Ásgeirsson, Sigrún Sól Ólafsdóttur, Hlín Agnarsdóttur, Hilmari Oddsson and many more, besides getting to know a large group of young and inspiring film makers and actors, many of whom are still my friends today. To add to it I also was able to make 4 pretty good short films that have been shown around the world. One of them even won “Short film days in Reykjavik” in 2010, the film “Do you have water?”. That film travelled far and got very positive feedback. My graduation film “Angel” however is the one shown here.Since I graduated I have mostly worked in editing and directing of various television shows, documentaries, commercials and the like. The screen writing studies did benefit me greatly even though I am not writing every day, because there are huge similarities between screen writing and editing. One has to sit alone for a long time to create something that has good structure, good flow and emotions so the audience stays glued to the screen.Among the television shows I have edited and/or directed are 5 series of “Andri á flandri” or “Andraland”, 4 series of “Hljómskálinn”, a 12 show documentary serie “Popp og rokksaga Íslands” and “Árið er: Söngvakeppni sjónvarpsstöðvanna”. In total I have won, with my genius coworkers, 5 Eddas for this show making and even more nominations. When it comes to documentaries “Spólað yfir hafið” is in the forefront, as I editied that for Andri Freyr Viðarsson.The future contains more of the same. Hopefully more episodes of “Hljómskálinn” and something fun with Andri Freyr Viðarsson. At the moment I am working a lot for SKOT productions, editing numerous projects, like the new show from Pétur Jóhann Sigfússon and more interesting projects. Personally I am also working on some documentaries and if there is time in he future, I hope to write the coveted feature film script
We hope you enjoy watching