A new film by IFS student sparks attention
The new film, Albatross, that premiered in Iceland earlier this summer has been well received by audiences and critics.
Snævar Sölvi Sölvason, an IFS graduate is the author of the film.
“I needed to be around other creative film enthusiasts” says Snævar and he adds that he already, before his studies at the school, had some ideas for future film projects.
“I realized that no one works alone in the film business. So the first thing to do was to create a net of contacts. I had heard good things about IFS and that was my trigger to apply.”
Learning to deal with critique on one’s ideas, from the schools teachers as well as the fellow students was a valuable lesson, says Snævar: “I was a film maker, if only in my mind even before starting school.”
Snævar says he decided to go for his dream and instead of getting a summer job in the summer of 2014 he started making the film he had in his mind. This lead to him asking favours of locals in his home town, Bolungarvík in the western part of Iceland. Everyone there was willing to help and assist him in any possible way, free location, food and lodging for almost nothing was a great asset. He chose to shoot the film mostly outside as the budget was tight but the great landscapes would lift the film to another level and he took advantage of that.
“Before I knew it, I was writing a script about a golf caddy chasing his dream and eventually filming it.”
Snævar has already gotten a grant from the Icelandic Film Fund to develop his next project.
“So now the wheel is turning for that project”.
IFS congratulates Snævar on his success and is looking forward to his future projects.